Our Forest Programs

Young Asian girl running in the woods.

Community programs

Running Fall/Winter (Sept to Dec) and Winter/Spring (Jan-June) children join us for either a half-day or full day, one day a week. The program runs from 9 am-3 pm.

With an 8:1 ratio for our Owl and Wolf groups (4-12 years) and 5:1 ratio for our Chickadees (2.5-4 years), each group of children with two educators gather, play and learn out on the land. 

Registration for Fall/Winter takes place in late spring, registration for Winter/Spring takes place in early fall. We use a lottery approach to registration (see below).

Summer programs

Week-long summer programs run through July and August from 9 am -3 pm every day for children 4-12 years old.

Families are invited to register for up to two weeks of child-led play and learning in the shade of the canopy. 

Registration for summer programs takes place in early winter and use a lottery approach (see below)

Young girl looking up in the forest.
*Please note, all programs run at our Corkstown location

The Lottery Approach

We have continued offering priority to currently enrolled families resulting in very limited spaces being available for open registration. Open registration is by a lottery approach.

Occasionally spaces become available in our community groups throughout the year. In these cases, we do contact families who applied to the lottery, as well as those who have expressed interest. If you would like to be considered, should a space be available during the year please email us.

Parent Information